Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Klok 2 Beta build posted last night

Last night I posted a new build (1.17) of the Klok 2.0 beta which fixes some issues with snapping on the week view as well as an issue on the comments tab of the timesheets.

We are getting close to release. If you find critical issues make sure you submit them at so I can determine when we are ready for release.

1 comment:

Blaine Ehrhart said...


I know it's beta and all but that never stops me. I just imported all my projects from Klok 1 and it worked flawlessly.. took like 1 second... It was only a few months worth of data but I'm still impressed.

I use Klok daily and export an "all data" to a custom invoice creator I made and it still works so I'm glad I didn't have to change my script :D So it looks like everything is functional, we will see tomorrow.

Great Application!