Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Klok Basecamp and Harvest Connector Betas Now Available

We are happy to announce that the public beta versions of the Basecamp and Harvest connector plugins are now available. You can download them below. Also, check out the video of the installation process and the video demonstration of the Basecamp plugin in action

There are a couple of things to note about the beta versions of the plugins.
  • These are "beta" versions, so there may be bugs. When you find one, please let us know at http://getklok.com/bugs/submitBug.html
  • In order to use a connector plugin, you must be using a full version of Klok or the trial version available from the Adobe Marketplace
  • You should use a new data file location when using a plugin because your project tree will be populated from the remote system. If your data file has projects in it before connecting, they will not exist in the remote system and therefore not be able to track time against them.
  • You cannot edit or add projects in Klok. You must manage your clients, projects and tasks via the web-based Basecamp or Harvest interface
  • Once installed, you access the connector configuration by clicking in the lower left corner of Klok where it says "Offline".
  • Plugins can expose the ability to do two types of synchronizations. Usually one that pulls items from the remote system and the other that uploads items. What these buttons are call and what they do is up to the plugin and the remote system's capabilities.
  • If you delete a project from Basecamp or Harvest, the item will not be deleted from Klok

Basecamp Plugin
Timetracking is only available on Basecamp Plus, Premium and Max plans. Therefore, in order to use Klok to track time you must have one of those plans. The Basecamp Basic plan does not include time tracking. Also, you will need to make sure that API access is enabled on your Basecamp account. This is done on the Account tab and can only be enabled by the account owner. Once you install the plugin into Klok you will notice that on the plugin configuration panel, it doesn't ask for the token. Instead it asks for the username and password. However, this may change to using the token only before the final release.

Also, Basecamp does not store the start and end time of a time entry. Because of this limitation it is not possible for Klok to "pull down" time entries that were entered directly into the Basecamp web-based interface.

When choosing "Full Synchronize", the project tree will be downloaded from Basecamp and stored in Klok for use offline. When choosing "Upload Time", any time entries that were added or deleted while not connected will be uploaded. Note that while you are connected to the internet, added or edited time entries will be uploaded in real time.

Harvest Plugin
Harvest allows time entries to be tracked via durations or via start and end timestamps. In order for Klok to interact correctly with Harvest you must set up your account to use start and end timestamps. See the Harvest FAQs for instructions for setting up timestamps.

When choosing "Synchronize", you will be prompted to select a date range to synchronize. This allows you to download entries added via the Harvest web or mobile interface. It is recommended that you choose a time period of a week or two. The project tree will also be downloaded from Harvest and stored in Klok for use offline. When choosing "Upload Time", any time entries that were added or deleted while not connected will be uploaded. Note that while you are connected to the internet, added or edited time entries will be uploaded in real time.

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