Monday, April 20, 2009

Oracle Buys Sun - The future or MySQL

With the news that Oracle is to buy Sun, I can't help but wonder what will happen to MySQL. Maybe it won't mean anything. Any thoughts?


Geo John said...

What will happen to MySQL is a worry as Oracle will try to shead the opensource DB. But as Oracle and MySQL are in to two different ends of use, I guess Oracle can still provide the same for free.

Andy said...

From the statement it sounds like Oracle is reinventing itself as a company for the whole enterprise rather then just a database company. I'd imagine they will add MySQL to their product portfolio as it will generate good income from support. No doubt Oracle are interested in MySQL for similar reasons to Sun. Not in the least that the LAMP stack is pretty widespread. Perhaps oracle is going to package up it's own supported version of this stack for the cloud/web-development?
The other thing is I remember IBM buying Informix, which isn't opensource, but its source was originally similar to DB2. Dispite similarities Informix still exists as a separate product as there is a market for it: real customers use it in mission critical applications. Oracle with MySQL has bought a profitable user-base to which products can be sold.

Jethro said...

There seems to be a lot of concern over Oracle r.e. MySQL.

Personally I feel MySQL fills a different market space than the Oracle's database and as such, reckon Oracle will be overjoyed to get control of that space. I can see no benefit to them killing off any resource, support or future development.

Raff said...

I hope it doesn't happen to MySQL what happened to FoxPro when Microsoft bought it. It's true that FoxPro's technology was far superior to Access's at the time and Microsoft simply scavenged FoxPro to save Access, and then kill it. In this case, Oracle is in a different market and it probably will not see MySQL as a threat.

Billigflug New York said...

Just today, it is difficult, because of the global crisis. Since each of each "purchased" and every company must struggle to survive. And Microsoft Visual FoxPro (VFP) is a now-discontinued RAD programming environment from Microsoft for data-centric applications.